Wage Garnishment
Are you having trouble with your debt? Wage garnishment can be a serious issue for you if your creditors come after you. When you work with Westside Law Firm, we will protect you from the pitfalls of wage garnishment.
How Wage Garnishment Works
When creditors decide they can’t wait for you to pay them back, they can try to garnish your wages from your employer. If you are threatened with wage garnishment or are being garnished, living day to day can become very difficult.
You don’t have to go through this alone. Contact Westside Law Firm, and we can help you keep your money and eliminate your debts.
How We Help
Westside Law Firm is here to help you make the right decision for your individual situation. We know it can be confusing to try and sort out your debt issues yourself, so we are determined to guide you through the process and protect your paycheck.
Many people file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, which both have their benefits. No matter what you decide to do, you should consult with a lawyer to make sure you’re making the most informed decision.